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The wooden soldier and boy

Tom was an innocent kid who loved to play with wooden toys back in the day. He saw an old, worn-out wooden soldier lying on the ground one day as he was strolling in the park. The soldier's paint was worn and damaged, and one of his arms was missing. Tom, however, decided to bring the soldier home after noticing something unique about him.


Tom meticulously repaired the soldier, reattaching the arm, and painted it over the course of several hours. The soldier looked brand new when he was done. To keep watch over his chamber, Tom set the army on his windowsill.


The sound of rustling came from the windowsill that night while Tom slept. As soon as he stood up, he observed that the wooden soldier's posture seemed to have been slightly altered. Tom was in disbelief. In all his memories, a toy had never moved that way.


The following day, Tom made the choice to take the soldier for a stroll in the park. Tom observed that the soldier's head would occasionally tilt as they moved, seemingly to look around. He had the impression that both the soldier and he were actively engaged in an adventure.


Tom was getting ready for bed one evening when he heard the wooden soldier tap upon the window. He observed the soldier clutching a message when he opened the window. "Thank you for fixing me and taking me on an adventure," was written in the note. I promise to be by your side forever.


Tom grinned, certain that in the wooden soldier, he had discovered a loyal buddy. The soldier followed him everywhere he went from that point on, and they went on a lot more adventures. Even after growing up and enrolling in college, Tom kept the soldier on his desk as a memento of their special times together.


So the wooden army evolved into much more than a simple toy. It grew to represent the bond between Tom and his faithful buddy and serve as a lesson in the importance of even the seemingly insignificant details.


The old man sat alone on the park bench, gazing at the calm surface of the lake. It was a warm summer evening, and the setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink. As he watched the gentle ripples on the water, he couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over him.

Reflecting on his life, the old man pondered the many chapters that had brought him to this moment. He remembered the days of his youth, filled with dreams and aspirations. The struggles and triumphs, the joys and sorrows, all etched into the fabric of his being.

The reflection in the water seemed to mirror his thoughts, capturing the beauty and imperfections of the world around him. He saw the trees swaying in the breeze, their leaves whispering stories of resilience and growth. He saw the birds soaring high above, symbols of freedom and exploration.

Lost in his reverie, the old man found solace in the stillness of the lake. It was as if the water held the answers to the questions he had carried for so long. Each ripple, a reminder of the choices he had made, the paths he had taken.

He marveled at the way the lake reflected the changing sky, mirroring the fleeting moments of life. Just as the sun's rays danced upon the water's surface, his memories danced before his eyes. The laughter of his children, the warmth of his loved ones, the moments of pure bliss that had illuminated his journey.

But there were also shadows in the reflection. Regrets, missed opportunities, and the passage of time. The old man knew he couldn't change the past, but he could find peace in accepting it. Like the lake, he had learned to embrace the ebb and flow of life.

As the sun dipped lower, casting a golden glow upon the water, the old man felt a profound gratitude well up within him. He had been blessed with a life filled with experiences, lessons, and love. And in that moment of reflection, he realized that it was never too late to make amends, to chase new dreams, and to savor the beauty of each passing day.

With a renewed sense of purpose, the old man rose from the bench and slowly walked away, leaving behind the tranquil lake. The reflections had served their purpose, guiding him toward a future filled with hope and the promise of new beginnings.

And as he ventured into the fading light of the evening, the old man carried with him the wisdom gained from his reflections. For in those moments of stillness, he had discovered that life was a tapestry of memories, each thread woven with intention and purpose.

Book no.2
Book no.1

© 2023 by Aseem Mandal

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